Happy Easter today! The sun is out and it is windy, but all in all, after the last couple of dreary, cloudy days, I'll take it. Had some turkeys in the yard today, they managed to find one of the few bare spots in the yard and were diligently pecking and scratching for breakfast. They were all hens, but big birds just the same. Maybe we will get the chance to go out and throw some birdseed in that spot so we can intice them back. We also had the chance to catch either a woodchuck or groundhog hanging out up on the hill behind the house. He didn't hang around long, but it was just another critter to keep an eye out for.
We got a rather impromtu invite from Sheri and Gary for a visit to their house down in Kenneburkport. The offer of burgers and dogs on the grill, hey, we're there! It was a nice day for a road trip, and we hadn't seen them since they were here for the birthday get-together. We had a great time chatting and visiting. Their kitties are so cute, and Chloe actually remembered us from this last summer camping. Sheri's mom is very crafty, and had some lovely quilts that she had made. I am envious of people who are talented in that way. I would love to tackle something like that, but don't know if my hands and attentions span will hold out long enough ot actually finish.
Roland is due in awhile for dinner, as well as Christopher, so time to get busy in the kitchen. Happy eating!
We got a rather impromtu invite from Sheri and Gary for a visit to their house down in Kenneburkport. The offer of burgers and dogs on the grill, hey, we're there! It was a nice day for a road trip, and we hadn't seen them since they were here for the birthday get-together. We had a great time chatting and visiting. Their kitties are so cute, and Chloe actually remembered us from this last summer camping. Sheri's mom is very crafty, and had some lovely quilts that she had made. I am envious of people who are talented in that way. I would love to tackle something like that, but don't know if my hands and attentions span will hold out long enough ot actually finish.
Roland is due in awhile for dinner, as well as Christopher, so time to get busy in the kitchen. Happy eating!