Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sheri was kind enough to remind me of the exact date of my last blog post, sometime in May if I remember correctly. I told her that I was a loser and had nothing of interest to blog about lately.
Not that any of my previous posts were earth shattering......
Anywho, the past two weeks now, we have gone to not one, but two rock concerts. It had been more years than I would like to remember since we last attended one, but it was fun just the same. The first one was Bryan Adams and Foreigner playing in Augusta. I am a fan of both, and I know Rodney could have happily done without Bryan Adams, but oh friggin well. Before attending, I was almost convinced that we would be some of the oldest ones there, then got to thinking about when it was that they were big time famous. It turns out there were waaay older people there, at least one that I saw was sporting a hearing aid. (I'm thinking it was totally unnecessary there, but what the hell) We got home in the wee hours of the morning and I had to recooperate for days for the lost sleep that night, but worth it
Last week, we bought tickets for the boys and ourselves to the Hinder, Staind (yep, that's how they spell it) and 3 Doors Down concert. I am a huge fan of 3 Doors Down. It was better than I expected. 3 Doors Down even had pyrotechnics, much to the surprise and oh hell yeah from Ryan, who had been bitching the entire time about the fact that he thought that was illlegal here in the state. We were sitting quite a distance from the stage and we could feel the heat. All in all, I could have listened to them all night long happily.

Yesterday was carnival day here at the campground. It was mostly carnival-type food and it was good. Fried everything, I mean everything. I had fried oreos for the first time. I figure, what the hell. They were battered and fried, nothing to rant and rave about, but hey, you never know.
Donna was swinging her hips and kicking ass with a hula hoop. Had I tried that, I would have looked like a friggin epileptic going into a seizure and someone would have been on the horn to call 9-1-1. It was fun to watch and enjoy some food that was cooked by someone else. An ice cream social followed an hour later, and of course, even though I had more than enough to eat of carny food, who am I to turn down a make your own sundae. Willpower, never heard of it.


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