Saturday, August 25, 2007

You know you are having a bad day when:

-You haven't gotten a decent night's sleep in the last two nights and you are grouchy as a hibernating bear

-Lack of sleep necessitates a trip to the doctor's office to pick up some samples of sleeping pills that your cheap-ass medical insurance won't cover for shit. The co-pay is ridiculous

-You stop at Shaw's to pick up a few things and they try to charge you more than the sticker on the chicken says it costs with their oh-so-important card having been used

-You attempt to put said chickens on the rotisserie of your grill, finding out the chickens from hell are too heavy and they won't turn all the way around.

-Calling in reinforcements and resorting to removing the metal rod from the asses of the chickens and cooking them with the indirect heat method

After all was said and done, the chickens were fabulous and we completely devoured one and we have one leftover for some tasty sandwiches. My philosophy is cook once and eat twice.

This has been a tough week for me. I had a meltdown on poor Sheri while we were chatting on aol, I am more upset than I thought I would be with Ryan leaving for school on Sunday. He is after all my baby (all 6 feet of him) and I will truly miss having him around. I am glad that he is pursueing his education and will be able to have a good job when schooling is done. It's just that having children in the house with you for the last 24 years, and then all of the sudden they have gone, it's going to take some adjusting for me. I know I will be okay after awhile, and he is only moving to Portland. Tomorrow will be moving day, and I am trying to tell myself that I can make it thru without bawling again. Wish me luck.


Blogger Sheri said...

I'l be thinking of you tomorrow as you emabrk on this new chapter of your life without your kids. It will be fine and remember it's ok to cry!

11:17 AM  
Blogger Melody said...

WOW, this sounds so familiar....Melt down is my middle name lately! It's so nice to see that I'm not the only one with "separation issues". Keep your chin up!

3:13 PM  

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