Friday, July 20, 2007

Today is another what was I thinking day today, that's not to say that they don't occur more often than twice a week, I guess I just noticed this week for some reason. I decided to make the 10 minute trip to Walmart. It is only a short drive, but I was mentally kicking myself constantly on the way over for even thinking it was going to go without me being frustrated by the other drivers on the road. It constantly amazes me at the fact that the state of Maine gives a driver's license to anyone who has a pulse. I have several pet peeves about how badly people drive, which means nearly everytime I am behind the wheel, I feel a case of road rage creeping up the back of my neck. My first issue with other drivers is that they seem to fluctuate between any speed on the speedometer. If the speed limit is 55, they feel it necessary to hit anywhere between 40 and 60. I really don't care WHAT speed you drive, JUST PICK ONE! If you aren't driving as fast as I would like to go, I will be more than happy to pass your drag ass. My next issue is wandering all over the friggin road. They paint the lines on the road for a reason! If you are unable to keep whatever it is that you are driving inbetween those quite generous lines, I think you should get the hell off the road. I guess I am just not happy unless I am the only one on the road and I am not too proud to admit it. I will also be the first one to admit to giving someone who has forgotten where the gas pedal is, (while also riding the brakes) a good look at my big red grill. I love it when they finally look in the rearview mirror and all they see is red. Most often, they either speed up and figure out they are holding up traffic, or the pull over to the side of the road for their own safety. Yes, I know that you are thinking that I am the bad driver....I know the rules of the road, and besides speeding, I tend to follow them. If only more people would remember what they were taught, driving would be so much more pleasureable. After this rant and rave, I guess I don't even need to talk about what a CF Walmart was. If you have ever in your life have shopped there, you know that there is no such thing as a quick trip there.
Now that I have calmed down, maybe I should work on my sudoku puzzles. Talk about a glutton for punishment....
I will conquer those damn puzzles, if it kills me, and it just might.


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