In this day and age where we are bombarded with ridiculous commercials, I just had to speak out about one that I find deeply disturbing. So much so that I don't have enough sleeping pills in my possesion to erase the images burned on my retinas to get a night's sleep after seeing it right before bed.
I am talking about the new commercial about the Kia sales event with the male salesman gyrating around the showroom, jutting out his pelvis in disgusting ways, and in the conclusion of the commercial, he dives head first over a car, lands in a chair and leans back in a dirty dancing kind of way and gets doused by a bucket of water by a female co-worker.
In a word....UGH!!!!!
That is just wrong, there are no two ways about it.
Unless you look and dance like Patrick Swayse, you have NO business shaking your business around in public, never mind on national tv for all the world to see, forcing us to scream at the damage that has been done to our retinas, all the bleach in the world ain't gonna fix.
I guess the car company is trying to get on the "sex sells" bandwagon. After viewing that spot several times, that is just about the absolute last make of car I would purchase. Just driving by a dealership gives me the cringies (heads word here).
Most commercials are irritating at the very least. The ones that are disturing on as many levels as this one, the advertising agency who thought this was gonna sell cars, should be taken out and tied naked over a hill of fire ants and left. That may not even be punishment enough.
I am talking about the new commercial about the Kia sales event with the male salesman gyrating around the showroom, jutting out his pelvis in disgusting ways, and in the conclusion of the commercial, he dives head first over a car, lands in a chair and leans back in a dirty dancing kind of way and gets doused by a bucket of water by a female co-worker.
In a word....UGH!!!!!
That is just wrong, there are no two ways about it.
Unless you look and dance like Patrick Swayse, you have NO business shaking your business around in public, never mind on national tv for all the world to see, forcing us to scream at the damage that has been done to our retinas, all the bleach in the world ain't gonna fix.
I guess the car company is trying to get on the "sex sells" bandwagon. After viewing that spot several times, that is just about the absolute last make of car I would purchase. Just driving by a dealership gives me the cringies (heads word here).
Most commercials are irritating at the very least. The ones that are disturing on as many levels as this one, the advertising agency who thought this was gonna sell cars, should be taken out and tied naked over a hill of fire ants and left. That may not even be punishment enough.