Saturday, October 27, 2007

After reading Sheri's blog and viewing the pics, I have to thank her for the creepy, crawling feeling that I now have, and in all likelyhood, remain with me for the rest of the day. Regardless of the vast amounts of shower gel, scruffy and SOS pads that I will employ to try and rid myself of the feeling.
I have to say that decorating a house like that is just wrong, and the stuff nightmares are made of. It's true, anyone who has known me for any length of time knows of my outright terror of spiders. I have been known to break the land speed record when one is in close proximity or if one is about to land on me. They are sneaky and have some kind of internal radar that when someone such as myself is close by, they send out signals to others of their species and gleefully converge. I am further convinced that they lie in wait for others who dont have the rational fear that I do, and hide themselves until others are out of sight, but still within earshot to come out of hiding and silently scream "AHA!".
Having been married since dirt was new, Rodney is well aware of what that blood curdling scream from me means, and usually comes to my rescue if he can find me several blocks from the scene. He always has to decide that said arachnid is either tiny, small or not really that big, to the occasional "wow, that's a big one". Well, no shit.....if you can see the mother, in my book, its big. End of story. I can't imagine how he would feel if I were to label certain parts of his anatomy with the same casual comments, unless of course it involved the "wow" part.
With winter coming in short order, all manner of creatures are lining up in droves to winter in our casa. We have gotten huge amounts of spray to hopefully prevent as much of this happening as possible. I really dislike bugs of any sort, with the exception of ladybugs and they are coming into the house faster than I can catch them and shoo them out the door. While I can see why the bugs want to winter with us, seeing as we are way cool to hang out with, there is only room for one of us, that being me.


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