Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Today I just had to write about something that has been bothering me for a couple of days. I watched an episode of Dr. Phil (yeah, I know). Anyway, there were twin teenage girls who became addicted to drugs, namely heroin and crack and a smorgasbord of anything they could lay hands on. The usual story ensued about how they left home, were living on the streets, prostituting for drug money, the whole nine yards. I will spare the descriptions of the girls, I'm sure that you have the picture.
The part of the show that pissed me off is when he talked to the mother of the girls and it was the poor me show and claimed there was "nothing she could do"
That is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. She admits to the doctor that she experimented with drugs and alcohol at the age of 13, and thought it was normal. Apparently her normal and my normal are different. She also admitted that she KNEW that they were doing drugs and alcohol. Her defense, and I use that term LOOSELY that she is a single parent, what was she supposed to do???
Being involved in a childs life for starters. Knowing their friends, where they hang out. Having curfews (dirty word for most teenagers). SAYING NO, is a huge start. I made a commitment when I became a parent to bring my children up to be good people. I won't say that it was difficult at times, but we stayed the course, even though we were very unpopular parents more often than not. I knew my kids' friends and most of the parents. There were power wars for many years, and it was tough to do what we thought was the right thing to do.
The point to all this rambling on is that she was not called to the carpet and held accountable for the path her daughters took. I know that all kids are not going to follow the straight and narrow, but more of them would if only the parents cared enough to be involved. There are two words that I think are missing in this society. Responsibility and accountability. All kids make mistakes, but teach them to own up to what they have done and move on. Lesson learned. By no means are these words missing only from the vocabularies of teenagers. Many adults refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. It's always easier to blame someone else. It truly makes me sick.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I usually refrain from being too political, but I have to share my thoughts on the whole situation. I have to admit to not voting yesterday. I am so disgusted with the political ads, the irritating phone calls and all the signs cluttering up our roads. My thoughts are that the only way I personally can vote, is to pick the lesser of the discouraging to me. Bill Clinton was actually on one of the recordings I received yesterday on the I would listen to any of the suggestions that he would make, be real. The only person that would listen to him is Monica Lewinsky. Enough said.

After reading Sheri's blog, she suggested that I too, answer the questions posed on her blog, so I will indulge her. The following may not be used to incriminate me in any way....

1. Explain what ended your last relationship.... I met Rodney

2. When was the last time you shaved? yesterday morn

3. Waht were you doing at 8 a.m.? checking out the voting results on the net

4. What were you doing 15minutes ago? chatting with Sheri and mixing a cocktail

5. Are you any good at math? not at all

6. What about your prom night? My last prom was with a guy who was legal to drink, so we went out to a nice restaurant and the whole nine yards, he dumped me a couple weeks later

7. Do you have any famous ancestors? not that I know of

8. Have youhad to take a loan out for school? not up until now

9. Do you know the words to the song on your myspace profile? I don't have one yet, but my son thinks I need one

10. Last thing you received in the mail? a card from my father-in-law

11. How many different beverages have you had today? coffee, diet pepsi, and a diet pepsi with bacardi

12. Do you ever leave messages on people's answering machines? only if it is important to talk to them

13.Who did you lose your concert virginity to? Foghat, and I was close enough to the stage to snag a piece of a sweaty towel they were throwing out at us

14. Do you draw your name in the sand at the beach? not usually

15. What is the most painful dental procedure you have had? a tooth pulled

16. What is out your back door? our small backyard and the neighbors

17. Any plans for Friday night? Christopher is coming home for a visit, but that's it

18. Do you like what the ocean does to your hair? love the ocean, hate the damage to my hair and skin

19. Have you ever received one of those big tins with 3 different kinds of popcorn? yeah, and Rodney usually eats it, he LOVES popcorn

20. Have you ever been to a plantetarium? yes, and it was fabulous!

21. Do you re-use your towels after showering? yep, I scrub real good

22. Some things you are excited about? the only thing that comes to mind is camping this spring and seeing our friends

23. What is your favorite Jello flavor? hmmmm.....raspberry with hot damn, orange with peach schnapps, cherry jello with chocolate schapps, that about sums it up

24.Describe your keychain. keys and a corona bottle opener, of course

25. The missing question.....I'll make one up...what is your favorite author?
I have several, Diana Gabaldon, Stephen King and Nora Roberts

26. Where do you keep your change? in a ceramic piggybank that used to belong to my dad, it's older than I am and I love it!

27. What kind of winter coat do you have? very, very warm ones...a black leather, a columbia 3-n-1 and one from LL Bean

28. What was the weather like on your graduation? sunny

29. Do you sleep with the door to your room open or closed? closed since I am in bed before everyone else and they talk loudly

30. Did you read this far? of course, how else would I know this question?

Now you know my deepest secrets...hope you can sleep tonight.

Monday, November 06, 2006

All in all, it has been a quiet week, which was welcomed after the close call we had last weekend. We attended the BASS Federation Banquet Saturday night with Gary and Sheri. It's not what I would call a real good time, but the food is good, as well as the company. Happy Hour features an open bar, and who doesn't love that?! Sheri had some issues with her tickets for the chinese auction, mainly that she had about a hundred tickets all folded up like an accordian, set them down to get a drink, and they all fell on the floor, kind of like one of thoses snakes in a can. It was even funnier the second time!
Rodney's sister and her husband were here to visit her dad, and already the discussion turned to the did this time of year get here so fast? We always have to decide where to hold the family get together and who is bringing what. You know the drill. They are already showing commercials with snow and christmas presents....ugh. There should be a law that only allows those commercials after turkey day, it won't happen, but it's a thought.