Ahh well, another new year. Showed up while I was sleeping, as I knew it would. I can't seem to get myself excited at the thought of staying up half the night to watch the ball drop. Am I ever showing my age, or what?
Ryan was home from school for almost a month. While I was looking forward to seeing him, I was also dreading the inevitable upheaval that he was sure to bring along home with him with mounds of dirty laundry. I was not disappointed. I am convinced that he brought home every stitch of clothing that he and most of the kids on his floor of the dorm home to be washed. My washer hasn't seen that much action in months. Not sure it will ever recover. We noticed a high pitched squealing noise that it had never emitted before and now we are contemplating a replacement. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it is 24 years old.
He returned back to the dorm last Sunday to start his new job as security at the school this semester. I tried to convince him to send me a pic of him in his spiffy rent-a-cop uniform, but he has yet to cooperate. I am glad that he has found employment close by, and while the money isn't the greatest, it cuts down on mileage and gallons of gas consumed, and he got a staff parking pass to boot, which means he parks wherever he so chooses, and that is a big deal when you are in college, and have to most of the time park in the next county and walk to your classes.
With him back to school, I no longer have to hug the wall on the opposite side of the hallway where he takes up residence when he is home, for fear of something leaping out and sucking me into the blackhole that was at some point a nice clean, welcoming spare bedroom. No longer do I spend hours sweeping and mopping the floors to see within nano seconds of the floors being dried, to seeing gigantic white boot prints all over the floor in the dining room right next to the TWO boot trays provided to prevent such things from happening. The threat of bodily harm does nothing to deter him from doing anything that messes up the routine in our now childless household. The fact that he is way bigger and stronger than me definately comes into play. The statement that I in fact brought him into this world and I can take him out and also my other old standby, I know where you sleep, elicits a hearty laugh and a "yeah right mom" from him as the threatens to take me into his room, never to be seen again.
I have bestowed upon him the mother's curse. Not only to I wish upon him one child that acts just like him, but have upped the stakes to 3. It gives me something to look forward to in the coming years.
Ryan was home from school for almost a month. While I was looking forward to seeing him, I was also dreading the inevitable upheaval that he was sure to bring along home with him with mounds of dirty laundry. I was not disappointed. I am convinced that he brought home every stitch of clothing that he and most of the kids on his floor of the dorm home to be washed. My washer hasn't seen that much action in months. Not sure it will ever recover. We noticed a high pitched squealing noise that it had never emitted before and now we are contemplating a replacement. I am sure it has nothing to do with the fact that it is 24 years old.
He returned back to the dorm last Sunday to start his new job as security at the school this semester. I tried to convince him to send me a pic of him in his spiffy rent-a-cop uniform, but he has yet to cooperate. I am glad that he has found employment close by, and while the money isn't the greatest, it cuts down on mileage and gallons of gas consumed, and he got a staff parking pass to boot, which means he parks wherever he so chooses, and that is a big deal when you are in college, and have to most of the time park in the next county and walk to your classes.
With him back to school, I no longer have to hug the wall on the opposite side of the hallway where he takes up residence when he is home, for fear of something leaping out and sucking me into the blackhole that was at some point a nice clean, welcoming spare bedroom. No longer do I spend hours sweeping and mopping the floors to see within nano seconds of the floors being dried, to seeing gigantic white boot prints all over the floor in the dining room right next to the TWO boot trays provided to prevent such things from happening. The threat of bodily harm does nothing to deter him from doing anything that messes up the routine in our now childless household. The fact that he is way bigger and stronger than me definately comes into play. The statement that I in fact brought him into this world and I can take him out and also my other old standby, I know where you sleep, elicits a hearty laugh and a "yeah right mom" from him as the threatens to take me into his room, never to be seen again.
I have bestowed upon him the mother's curse. Not only to I wish upon him one child that acts just like him, but have upped the stakes to 3. It gives me something to look forward to in the coming years.