Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Okay, after getting "talked to" by my campground neighbor Sheri, I will dedicate this post to her...here ya go girl!
After being away at camp for the most of the summer, my two babies, my kitties Tigger and Milo have gotten the fine art of the cold shoulder down to a science. I always look forward to seeing them when I have been away, and at first, that sentiment is not returned by them without much begging and pleading to be paid attention to by me. My cat, Tigger is a beautiful gray tiger cat and has more than his share of "cattitude". He is of the belief that he is in control of this house and makes sure that we are reminded of that daily. Milo, who is a yellow tiger is Rodney's cat and is very lovable and pleasantly plump ( fits in with the rest of the family). Milo tends to be very skittish, while Tigger is the cat that coined the phrase "curiosity killed the cat". He had our neighbors buying him cat treats last winter and feels that it is his duty to patrol the neighborhood and make sure all is well. I would love to have a couple more cats, but the man has said no more, although he loves them just as much as I do and is usually the first one that sees a new cat around the house and thinks it's stray and wants to feed it.
It's also rather a sad day today with having to clean out the camper and move most everything home. Winter won't be over soon enough for me. I so look forward to each weekend down there to reconnect with the great friends we have made over the last couple of years, and we all plan to keep in touch over the winter months, if we didn't I would miss them all too much.


Blogger Sheri said...

So, Rodney really is a big softie when it comes to the kitties! I knew it!

The winter does seem like a long stretch but hopefully we can get together some to help make it go by faster.

6:47 PM  

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