Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hot damn, a bit of good news. The newest in the Stephanie Plum series is finally out! Hooray!
I have been waiting anxiously for her to cough up another novel at long last. I have to admit,
Stephanie is my secret hero. She is one tough cookie. Her dysfunctional family is a complete riot and oh so hilariously normal, for many families. Her willingness to put herself into a job that is not your normal choice for a woman, but she goes out and attempts to bring home her bad bad guy as well as the bacon. Her love triangle with the mysterious Ranger and the steady Joe Morelli makes things interesting and makes me secretly lust hard for Ranger. Okay, what woman doesn't want a mysteriously hunky guy who comes and goes and sexes her up and leaves her wanting more.....come on, you know you do.
I think Janet Evanovich's books are perfect reads for the beach, or anywhere else for that matter. I pleasant diversion, I always laugh outloud at her writitng and I will never get enough of her character. I wonder why there hasn't been a movie made out of here characters. Hello tv executives......!
On another note, going to camp finally tomorrow. Rodney has a club tournament on Saturday, and Sheri and I will go to the Christmas Tree Shops and happily while away some time and I am sure some money as well.
The deck is finally done, after 3 gallons and 3 days of work and a case of sunstroke. The man has recovered and back to his old self.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Today is another what was I thinking day today, that's not to say that they don't occur more often than twice a week, I guess I just noticed this week for some reason. I decided to make the 10 minute trip to Walmart. It is only a short drive, but I was mentally kicking myself constantly on the way over for even thinking it was going to go without me being frustrated by the other drivers on the road. It constantly amazes me at the fact that the state of Maine gives a driver's license to anyone who has a pulse. I have several pet peeves about how badly people drive, which means nearly everytime I am behind the wheel, I feel a case of road rage creeping up the back of my neck. My first issue with other drivers is that they seem to fluctuate between any speed on the speedometer. If the speed limit is 55, they feel it necessary to hit anywhere between 40 and 60. I really don't care WHAT speed you drive, JUST PICK ONE! If you aren't driving as fast as I would like to go, I will be more than happy to pass your drag ass. My next issue is wandering all over the friggin road. They paint the lines on the road for a reason! If you are unable to keep whatever it is that you are driving inbetween those quite generous lines, I think you should get the hell off the road. I guess I am just not happy unless I am the only one on the road and I am not too proud to admit it. I will also be the first one to admit to giving someone who has forgotten where the gas pedal is, (while also riding the brakes) a good look at my big red grill. I love it when they finally look in the rearview mirror and all they see is red. Most often, they either speed up and figure out they are holding up traffic, or the pull over to the side of the road for their own safety. Yes, I know that you are thinking that I am the bad driver....I know the rules of the road, and besides speeding, I tend to follow them. If only more people would remember what they were taught, driving would be so much more pleasureable. After this rant and rave, I guess I don't even need to talk about what a CF Walmart was. If you have ever in your life have shopped there, you know that there is no such thing as a quick trip there.
Now that I have calmed down, maybe I should work on my sudoku puzzles. Talk about a glutton for punishment....
I will conquer those damn puzzles, if it kills me, and it just might.

Monday, July 16, 2007

What was I thinking?!? As usual, I am slow in getting on the bandwagon of new fads. Sheri, Chris and Shelby have been doing Sudoku puzzles at camp for months. I had been wondering what the attraction is and now I know. I made a comment/a mistake, in mentioning to Sheri that I would like to learn how to do those puzzles. I have been a fan of crosswords ( the very, very simple ones), fill-it-ins and word searches for years. Anyway, word got back to Sheri's mom that I was interested, and this weekend I was the recipient of a sudoku book and a brand new pencil. Not wanting to look like a total idiot, I decided to try my hand at the book when was alone. It has been slow going, but thankfully there are lots of what the puzzle creator called light and easy. To say that I don't share that labelling, is putting it lightly. My poor brain has been on overload for days now, and I finally see the attraction. I can't seem to put the book down. I get to a point where I can't figure out what friggin' number goes where (the instructions warn of NOT guessing) lest you have to start the entire puzzle over, and trigger a complete and total internal meltdown. I am not sure whether I want to thank Sheri's mom. Of course I am thankful that she thinks enough of me to send me a gift, but what said gift is going to do to my mental health remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Well, here it is July, and summer is flying by. I know this because we are almost half way thru our schedule of events at the campground. It was a good week last week since Rodney took off of work Thursday and Friday and we had a nice long stay at the camper. Sheri and Gary were there, as well as Anita, Nancy D and George. Nancy S and Chris as well as Randy were there later in the week. Rodney spent a good part of the week fishing and I did what I do best, relaxing and partaking of adult beverages.
Sunday was a get together with some of our friends. Jana and Laurie made a deep fried turkey, we did our usual garbage can turkey, with Gary and Sheri making bloomin' onions, fresh french fries and deep fried mushrooms. We also had lots of yummy salads and appetizers. It was a feast to say the least.
Last night, Rodney was downstairs in Manland working on some things and came upstairs looking for Tigger. He was fast asleep on the hassock in front of the chair I was sitting in, and when I questioned what he wanted the cat for, he said it sounded like one of them was running around overhead in the back bedroom. Both kitties were accounted for and sleeping, which leads us to the determination that we have a rodent making his home inbetween the floor and the ceiling downstairs. Rodney rousted Tigger with difficulty and a loud MEW and carried him downstairs, trying to temp him into earning his keep and hunting down and killing whatever is running around in there. Tigger had other ideas and promptly came back upstairs and flopped back down where he had been sleeping, with no intentions of working. I think he just missed me too much to be too far away from me, since he was glued to my side the entire night and took his usual spot by my head last night and slept with me on my pillow. At least he doesn't snore.